2009. április 27., hétfő
2009. április 22., szerda
Akita inu
Today I would like to write about my dog called Maci. He is a Japanese dog, its type is called akita inu. I really like him as he is quite playful and he is so cute.
The akitas were samurai dogs, and nowadays they are the symbols of health and welfare in Japan. They were cultivated for hunting black bears, wild-hogs and deers. The akitas tend to be vehement, but they can be teached easily. They are really intelligent, but it can happen that they are stubborn. They are famous for their clinging adherence and faithfulness.
Maci is a really nice dog. He likes lying in the shadows and sleeping next to the kitchen door, where he can watch us. (You, know we have a back door at the kitchen from glass) His favourite food is sandwich with salami and every time he hears that we clatter a pouch he jumps to the door and wants to have some food. He is a master in begging for food what's more, he has three phases in begging. The first phase is when he watches us at the kitchen door and waves his tail, in the second phase he sits down and waves his tail, in the third phase he lies down.
At the weekend my brother made a cake in the microwave oven. (I saw the recipe on the Internet.) But he made it without cocoa so it tasted horrible. (I have to mention that I made it with cocoa and it was delicious!!!!) Because of this fact my brother didn't want to eat it so he gave it to Maci, who didn't complain about it. Thank you Maci for being our domestic hoover!
The akitas were samurai dogs, and nowadays they are the symbols of health and welfare in Japan. They were cultivated for hunting black bears, wild-hogs and deers. The akitas tend to be vehement, but they can be teached easily. They are really intelligent, but it can happen that they are stubborn. They are famous for their clinging adherence and faithfulness.
Maci is a really nice dog. He likes lying in the shadows and sleeping next to the kitchen door, where he can watch us. (You, know we have a back door at the kitchen from glass) His favourite food is sandwich with salami and every time he hears that we clatter a pouch he jumps to the door and wants to have some food. He is a master in begging for food what's more, he has three phases in begging. The first phase is when he watches us at the kitchen door and waves his tail, in the second phase he sits down and waves his tail, in the third phase he lies down.
At the weekend my brother made a cake in the microwave oven. (I saw the recipe on the Internet.) But he made it without cocoa so it tasted horrible. (I have to mention that I made it with cocoa and it was delicious!!!!) Because of this fact my brother didn't want to eat it so he gave it to Maci, who didn't complain about it. Thank you Maci for being our domestic hoover!
2009. április 7., kedd
Hungarian Master of Horror

Yes, this is true there is a Hungarian author who can write real masterpieces. He is called Gyula Böszörményi.
His first famous book was Gergő és az álomfogók and other brilliant masterworks followed it. Some of them are part of the Gergő series and there are two other series as well: the Zsófi and the Nightmare books series. The Zsófi books are about the adventures of Gergő's younger sister.
These two series involve the creatures and motives that appear in the "ancient" Hungarian legends (from those times when our ancestors were travelling on the steppes of Europe).
But I don't want to speak about these books. The one I am really interested in is the book 9...8...7... which is part of the Nightmare books and it is about demons. Imagine a Budapest where demons live in every human being forcing them to drink a lot of alcohol, to go to plazas and buy a large amount of clothes, to go to the gym and do a lot of excercise day after day... /Hey, this the reason for the large number of hard drinkers and drug addicts./
So here lives Lilith, a girl who is not possessed by any demon. She joins the secret group of the gruftis who wear black clothes and fight against demons. Lilith has to face the most horrifying things of her world. Unfortunately, a new demon leader arrives who wants the people's souls for him and does not want to share with others. Is Lilith brave enough to oppose him and defeat him or is she too weak for this? You'll find it out in the following two novels. The second volume's title is 6...5...4... but the third book has not been published yet.
I really like 9...8...7... because it makes a mirror about our life and it wants to show an alternative explanation about the reasons of the large amount of addicted, anorexic people and so on. I think this story can be true if we look at our world in a different point of view. You can see that if you want to give up smoking or stop taking drugs than you have to face many difficulties -fighting against your inner demon- and in many cases you need another person's help.
That's for today.
Good bye!
His first famous book was Gergő és az álomfogók and other brilliant masterworks followed it. Some of them are part of the Gergő series and there are two other series as well: the Zsófi and the Nightmare books series. The Zsófi books are about the adventures of Gergő's younger sister.
These two series involve the creatures and motives that appear in the "ancient" Hungarian legends (from those times when our ancestors were travelling on the steppes of Europe).
But I don't want to speak about these books. The one I am really interested in is the book 9...8...7... which is part of the Nightmare books and it is about demons. Imagine a Budapest where demons live in every human being forcing them to drink a lot of alcohol, to go to plazas and buy a large amount of clothes, to go to the gym and do a lot of excercise day after day... /Hey, this the reason for the large number of hard drinkers and drug addicts./
So here lives Lilith, a girl who is not possessed by any demon. She joins the secret group of the gruftis who wear black clothes and fight against demons. Lilith has to face the most horrifying things of her world. Unfortunately, a new demon leader arrives who wants the people's souls for him and does not want to share with others. Is Lilith brave enough to oppose him and defeat him or is she too weak for this? You'll find it out in the following two novels. The second volume's title is 6...5...4... but the third book has not been published yet.
I really like 9...8...7... because it makes a mirror about our life and it wants to show an alternative explanation about the reasons of the large amount of addicted, anorexic people and so on. I think this story can be true if we look at our world in a different point of view. You can see that if you want to give up smoking or stop taking drugs than you have to face many difficulties -fighting against your inner demon- and in many cases you need another person's help.
That's for today.
Good bye!
2009. március 11., szerda
Today I would like to write about Goosebumps, which is a book series written by R.L. Stine. A film series was made about it as well.
Goosebumps is a horror series for children. When I was a little girl (about 6-8 years old) I watched it on a German tv channel called RTL II. It was quite chilling for me but I liked it at the same time. When I was about 12 years old I bumped into one of R.L. Stine's books in a book store and realised that this was the same series I watched on tv a few years before. I was so surprised that the tv serial was based upon a set of books that I wanted to read at least one of them so I bought a book and read it.
Although I found the story fascinating, I didn't think that it was as traumatic as I remembered. Maybe this was because I was younger when I watched the soap opera. A few weeks ago I found the complete tv series on Youtube so I began to watch the episodes again. Now I am 19 so I am not scared while I am watching the parts but I can think about the stories. I can think about whether it can be a true story or just the product of the author's fantasy. I do this because there are some stories that could have happened in the real life, too.
However, I am sure it was not Goosebumps that made me a horror fan. I began to love reading books and spine-chilling stories when I first read the Harry Potter books. I know, that this series is not supposed to be horrifying but it gave me the final push towards the realm of fear.
Let's return to Goosebumps. There are various kinds of stories in it. Some include werewolves, mummies, ghosts, living garden gnomes and so on. Mr. Stine also created a living dummy which is similar to the famous Chucky but his creature's name is Slappy. Slappy is one of Stine's characters that appear in several episodes. Like Chucky, Slappy also gets married and becomes a father.
I'll finish now as I am very sleepy.
Here is a part of an episode about Slappy:
Goosebumps is a horror series for children. When I was a little girl (about 6-8 years old) I watched it on a German tv channel called RTL II. It was quite chilling for me but I liked it at the same time. When I was about 12 years old I bumped into one of R.L. Stine's books in a book store and realised that this was the same series I watched on tv a few years before. I was so surprised that the tv serial was based upon a set of books that I wanted to read at least one of them so I bought a book and read it.
Although I found the story fascinating, I didn't think that it was as traumatic as I remembered. Maybe this was because I was younger when I watched the soap opera. A few weeks ago I found the complete tv series on Youtube so I began to watch the episodes again. Now I am 19 so I am not scared while I am watching the parts but I can think about the stories. I can think about whether it can be a true story or just the product of the author's fantasy. I do this because there are some stories that could have happened in the real life, too.
However, I am sure it was not Goosebumps that made me a horror fan. I began to love reading books and spine-chilling stories when I first read the Harry Potter books. I know, that this series is not supposed to be horrifying but it gave me the final push towards the realm of fear.
Let's return to Goosebumps. There are various kinds of stories in it. Some include werewolves, mummies, ghosts, living garden gnomes and so on. Mr. Stine also created a living dummy which is similar to the famous Chucky but his creature's name is Slappy. Slappy is one of Stine's characters that appear in several episodes. Like Chucky, Slappy also gets married and becomes a father.
I'll finish now as I am very sleepy.
Here is a part of an episode about Slappy:
2009. február 20., péntek
Number One Master of Horror
I hope that some of you already know who will be the target of my post. Today I am going to write about Darren Shan. The title "Number One Master of Horror" is written on the covers of some of his books.
His real name is Darren O'Shaughnessy. He was born in London but when he was six years old his family moved to Ireland. His first children book Cirque du Freak made him really famous. This book was the first part of a twelve-book series called the "Saga of Darren Shan". It is about a boy called Darren Shan (yes it is not a mistake, the author is the main character of the series). Darren becomes the assistant of a vampire called Larten Crepsley to save his best friend's life. The "Saga" is about his adventures.
After finishing the "Saga" he began to write a new series the "Demonata" which is about three teenagers who are fighting against demons. But I won't tell any further information about the Demonata because my chosen book on the Reading and Writing II course is part of this series.
I really like his books because he writes in an understandable way and the characters are like real people. We could even beleive that those things could happen in real life as well. Although he writes horror-like books I don't think that they are scary. I must admit that the Saga is not a horror series. I think they are adventure books instead. However, the Demonata is a real horror series. I don't find them frightening although there are some brutal parts in these books like a demon spits acid at a person whose flash melts away from his face... Maybe this is because I only read them and I am sure that if I watched one of the stories on TV it would be really fearful.
In my opinion everybody who likes horror should read one of Darren Shan's works as they are real masterpieces . So hurry to the next book strore!
His real name is Darren O'Shaughnessy. He was born in London but when he was six years old his family moved to Ireland. His first children book Cirque du Freak made him really famous. This book was the first part of a twelve-book series called the "Saga of Darren Shan". It is about a boy called Darren Shan (yes it is not a mistake, the author is the main character of the series). Darren becomes the assistant of a vampire called Larten Crepsley to save his best friend's life. The "Saga" is about his adventures.
After finishing the "Saga" he began to write a new series the "Demonata" which is about three teenagers who are fighting against demons. But I won't tell any further information about the Demonata because my chosen book on the Reading and Writing II course is part of this series.
I really like his books because he writes in an understandable way and the characters are like real people. We could even beleive that those things could happen in real life as well. Although he writes horror-like books I don't think that they are scary. I must admit that the Saga is not a horror series. I think they are adventure books instead. However, the Demonata is a real horror series. I don't find them frightening although there are some brutal parts in these books like a demon spits acid at a person whose flash melts away from his face... Maybe this is because I only read them and I am sure that if I watched one of the stories on TV it would be really fearful.
In my opinion everybody who likes horror should read one of Darren Shan's works as they are real masterpieces . So hurry to the next book strore!
2009. február 12., csütörtök
Hello my readers!
My name is Katalin Vasas. I am a 19-year-old girl from Zalaszentgrót which is a small town in Zala County. In my freetime I like reading books -especially the books by Darren Shan, J.K. Rowling, Meg Cabot....XD-, surfing on the Internet, making animals and flowers from beads, and when I really don't know what to do then I fold some origami cranes and hang them out in my room. (You can see that there is a large amount of "trash" in my room XD.)
I'm sure that many of you would like to ask me why is my blog's URLaddress "2012babydragons.blogspot.com". Well, I originally wanted "babydragon2012", but this one has already been occupied :(I am so sad!!!:( and so came "2012babydragons" (but this is also good:). So "dragon" is because I am crazy of dragons, I think they are fantastic!!!! I thought that many people find adult dragons scary so I chose "babydragon" -babydragons are so cute! The number "2012" has a special meaning for me because the maya calendar ends in 2012 and many experts say that a new and better era will come.
I think it's enough for today.
I hope that everybody could understand what I wanted to say, but sometimes I cannot express myself correctly in English and I also make some grammatically mistakes when I'm typing. So please forgive me and send me a message if you found some mistakes.
See you soon,
My name is Katalin Vasas. I am a 19-year-old girl from Zalaszentgrót which is a small town in Zala County. In my freetime I like reading books -especially the books by Darren Shan, J.K. Rowling, Meg Cabot....XD-, surfing on the Internet, making animals and flowers from beads, and when I really don't know what to do then I fold some origami cranes and hang them out in my room. (You can see that there is a large amount of "trash" in my room XD.)
I'm sure that many of you would like to ask me why is my blog's URLaddress "2012babydragons.blogspot.com". Well, I originally wanted "babydragon2012", but this one has already been occupied :(I am so sad!!!:( and so came "2012babydragons" (but this is also good:). So "dragon" is because I am crazy of dragons, I think they are fantastic!!!! I thought that many people find adult dragons scary so I chose "babydragon" -babydragons are so cute! The number "2012" has a special meaning for me because the maya calendar ends in 2012 and many experts say that a new and better era will come.
I think it's enough for today.
I hope that everybody could understand what I wanted to say, but sometimes I cannot express myself correctly in English and I also make some grammatically mistakes when I'm typing. So please forgive me and send me a message if you found some mistakes.
See you soon,
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